
About Me

I live in Northern Arizona, and help my husband in his business.  In my spare time, I quilt, garden, volunteer as a Cub Scout Leader, work with a charity quilt group, make dog beds for the local dog rescue group, and manage 5 different web sites.  I'm also a member of a service sorority (ESA) and currently the secretary of the group.

I love to try new things, and get bored doing repetitive tasks.  In my quilting, I'm drifting toward making art quilts.  I love to play with beads, felting, and anything new.

I've had a garden for two years, and have grown pole beans, sugar snap peas, lettuce, radishes, carrots, bell peppers,  tomatoes, strawberries, acorn squash, and pickling cucumbers.  I can't wait to start my garden this next spring!