
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fabric and Houseplants

I brought a lot of fabric and trims/zippers/sewing tapes/craft items home on Thursday from my two girlfriends.  It's still sitting in my living-room!  I have started through the crafts stuff.  Actually the craft stuff is good timing.  My scout group will be making sculptures and art creations in the next month.  I'm sure lots of the craft stuff will be put to good use.

So what did I do today?  Well, the quilt store has fabric at $2.50 a yard today only.  So I purchased 18.3 yards!  So I'm not doing too good in my plans to reduce my stash.  But I got stuff that I have vague plans for.  There is fabric to make 2 winter scarves (they might make gifts next year), and a couple fabrics that I think will make a really nice purse.  After I came home, I helped my husband take stuff to the storage locker, and then he helped me transplant two large house plants.

One plant is a fig tree, about 6 foot high.  The other is a bocarnia otherwise known as elephants foot.  When I purchased the bocarnia, the bulb at the base was about 1 inch in size.  It is now 5 inches across.  I love that the long narrow leaves gracefully curve down to the floor.  In the new pot, the leaves are 1-2 inches above the floor.  And I've gotten all the dirt swept/vacuumed up too.  (Just can't re-pot plants without making a mess.) LOL.

So, after dinner tonight, I need to start again sorting the fabric and craft stuff.  The fabric goes into three piles. One that will go to the charity quilt group at church, one that I will keep, and last time, my third pile was stuff I didn't need to keep, but was partially completed projects that the charity group wouldn't be interested in.

My hubby says his TV show if over, and it is time for dinner.  I'll report on my fabric sorting later.

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